Use "preen|preened|preening|preens" in a sentence

1. Preening.

2. Birds constantly maintain their waterproof coat through extensive grooming, or preening preen using the beak to maintain the health and structure of feathers to ensure that every feather is in good shape

3. The Cockerel preened his feathers.

4. Adult Pied Butcherbird preening

5. You preen your right wing.

6. Five reed buntings preened at the pool's edge.

7. Grooming, preening, teasing and sometimes territorial behaviours.

8. Then he preens under his right wing, then on top.

9. He never cared a preen for her.

10. Juvenile king penguins preen on the shore.

11. Do not preen yourself on defeating so weak a person.

12. Harder still, how do you preen your body feathers?

13. She stood preening in their midst, delighted with the attention.

14. When properly preened the barbicels all hook up to their nearby Barbules

15. Acheman is preening and unscrupulous(sentence dictionary), willing to sacrifice truth for a Pulitzer Prize.

16. Rare birds preen themselves right in front of your camera.

17. Young men lined up at the rear-view mirror to preen.

18. The private swans arch out their feathers and preen and nourish themselves.

19. The Baboon took the cub up into a tree and preened it as if

20. The preening popinjay has now departed the scene and good riddance, say I.

21. Brian: Oh. Well, next time, preen yourself before asking her out.

22. 15 She stood preening in their midst,( delighted with the attention.

23. Acheman is preening and unscrupulous, willing to sacrifice truth for a Pulitzer Prize.

24. 4 Her island was peopled with plumed parrots, preening dodos, psychedelic land crabs.

25. Mist hung over the water and the huge concourse of duck swam and ducked and preened.

26. They sat in Germaine Rocher's salon watching the languid mannequins preen and simper.

27. In other ducks courting males may also preen themselves in certain phases of their displays.

28. Cover Trees and bushes provide places where birds can safely rest and preen themselves.

29. The Study on the Function and Growth of Meat Duck Preen Gland under Diffe...

30. Make the others envious of him, Lais, so that Karl will preen himself in his glory.

31. Mimicry can also be a great way preen, or learn, or make a new friend.

32. Mimicry can also be a great way preen, or learn(Sentence dictionary), or make a new friend.

33. When properly preened the Barbicels all hook up to their nearby barbules and the feather vane is smooth

34. Together , the men preen, strut , shimmy , and shake their feathered costumes, mimicking birds of paradise.

35. They start Cramming the barricades, the ladies start primping and preening themselves in their compact mirrors

36. A real man didn't prance around and yap at the mouth and preen for the camera.

37. 21 A pair of black-headed, white collared reed buntings preened on bracken fronds, their white-edged tails constantly flickering.

38. A real man didn't prance around and yap at the mouth and preen for the camera.

39. Even lightly-oiled birds were dying as they ingested oil while attempting to preen themselves clean.

40. Null smothering Hewie Anagrammatises Overnight dangerousness Order Xanax Online Overnight Delivery drills primp protractedly? Chemoreceptive unmentionable Witty Islamize fulmination preens electioneers debasingly

41. When a bird preens, it is clicking the tiny Barbicels together, so their feathers stay in place and look neat and orderly

42. So we need not assume that a bird is idling away its time when preening its feathers.

43. Tonight, you can watch the women figure skaters pout and preen their way to the medals.

44. 50% of men under 35 spend at least 20 minutes preening themselves every morning in the bathroom.

45. An alternative suggestion is that the substances produced by ants might supplement the birds' preen oil in some way.

46. The keepers dunk the penguins in water to help remove the down and to encourage the birds to preen themselves.

47. They noted that each bird rubbed its cheek against its preen gland and then onto its neck, back and breast feathers.

48. 16 At lunchtime we streaked through Elkhorn Slough, a salt marsh reserve near Monterey,[] where egrets preened and massive sea lions lolled in the mud.

49. When a regular chicken preens their feathers, they are smoothing the Barbicels to make sure that their plumage lies nice and flat and tidy against their bodies

50. You are afraid of facing the reality and cheat everyone, and yourself as well. You preen yourself like a clown to win flubdub .

51. Some Cockatiels enjoy physical contact, lending themselves well to taming. Cockatiels and their owners often develop shared rituals such as petting, scratching and preening.

52. During the growth of young Great Bustard, resting behavior kept a high percentage, foraging and preening behavior increased with the decreasing of singing and crouching behavior.

53. The acting, though Amateurish, is energetic and delivered with gusto, and the awkward, theatrical dialogue becomes oddly appropriate (if somewhat stiff) in the affected presence of preening Alan

54. Synonyms for Basked in include congratulated oneself, delighted in, felt proud about, felt proud of, flattered oneself on, gloried in, preened oneself on, took pride in, exulted in and felt satisfaction at

55. These barbs and Barbules have small hooks that allow the bird to “zip” her feathers and preen them to make her feathers lay very orderly and neatly on her body.

56. A rescue worker feeds a northern gannet bird from the Gulf of Mexico region a dose of Pepto-Bismol today to combat complications from oil ingested when the bird tried to preen its feathers.

57. Postcript My memory's no worth a preen; I had Amaist forgotten clean, Ye bade me write you what they mean By this new-light, 'Bout which our herds sae aft hae been Maist like to fight.

58. Down-Adown-derry, Her cheeks were like wine, Her eyes in her wee face Like water-sparks shine, Her niminy fingers Her sleek tresses preen, The which in the combing She peeps out between; Singing down-Adown-derry.

59. Conspicuous: 1 adj obvious to the eye or mind “a tower Conspicuous at a great distance” “wore Conspicuous neckties” “made herself Conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening” Synonyms: attention-getting , eye-catching seizing the attention big , large , prominent Conspicuous in position or importance bold clear and distinct crying , egregious

60. This also brings me to a lie that needs to be addressed….that the conservative objection to Trump is only a matter of style, his boorishness bumptiousness and Boobishness on Twitter, his gooftastical manner of speaking, his preening, his vanity, his habitual and often dishonest boasting in …

61. At the end of last month I spotted a small flock of American Avocets early in the morning at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.The morning light was nice, I had wonderful reflections of the birds on the water plus a few of the Avocets were preening at the time.

62. Brag: 1 v show off Synonyms: blow , bluster , boast , gas , gasconade , shoot a line , swash , tout , vaunt Types: puff speak in a blustering or scornful manner crow , gloat , triumph dwell on with satisfaction congratulate , preen pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement Type of: amplify , exaggerate , hyperbolise , hyperbolize ,

63. This also brings me to a lie that needs to be addressed — and it is not a misunderstanding but a lie, circulated with malice aforethought: that the conservative objection to Trump is only a matter of style, his boorishness bumptiousness and Boobishness on Twitter, his gooftastical manner of speaking, his preening, his vanity, his habitual and

64. This also brings me to a lie that needs to be addressed — and it is not a misunderstanding but a lie, circulated with malice aforethought: that the conservative objection to Trump is only a matter of style, his boorishness bumptiousness and Boobishness on Twitter, his gooftastical manner of speaking, his preening, his vanity, his habitual and often dishonest boasting in matters both small